Volunteer Attorneys for Rural Nevadans
412 W. John Street, Suite C, Carson City, NV 89703

toll-free (866) 448-8276

Volunteer Attorneys for Rural Nevadans (VARN) provides pro bono (free) civil legal services for eligible low-income* individuals and families. VARN does not provide assistance in criminal matters. VARN provides assistance in civil legal matters by matching qualifying individuals with an attorney who will not charge for legal services. Although the attorney will not charge a fee for his/her services, you are responsible for the payment of court costs which cannot be waived or any other out-of-pocket expenses incurred on your behalf. Some of the services VARN provides and the legal areas covered include:
Family Law Matters (Uncontested)
Guardianship of an adult
Guardianship of a child
Termination of Parental Rights
Child Custody
Other Civil Legal Matters
Name Changes (uncontested)
Probate (uncontested)
Medical Directive - Power of Attorney for Medical Services
The Nevada counties served under the pro bono program are: Carson City, Douglas,
Lyon, Storey, Churchill, Mineral, Elko, White Pine and Humboldt counties.
If you need help with BANKRUPTCY, please call our office we may be able to find an attorney for you.
*Income guidelines are not used for services provided through the Domestic Violence Victim’s Assistance Project (DVVAP).

VARN can assist in adoptions that are uncontested. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
VARN may be able to assist in uncontested divorce matters. The following requirements must be met in order for VARN to assist in an uncontested divorce:
You must be a Nevada resident for at least six (6) weeks. If there are minor children involved, they must have lived in Nevada for at least six (6) months.
You must know your spouse’s whereabouts, or if you do not know your spouse’s whereabouts, you must be willing to pay publication costs.
If you do know your spouse’s whereabouts:
You and your spouse must be agreeable to all issues involved in the divorce.
If there are minor children of the marriage, both parties must agree to child custody, visitation and child support.
If there is community property (property acquired during marriage), both parties must agree how the community property should be divided.
If there are community debts (debts incurred during the marriage), both parties must agree which party will assume responsibility for which debts.
Both parties must be available to sign all the required documents which an attorney prepares. If your spouse does not live locally, the documents can be mailed to him/her.
In an uncontested divorce where both parties have signed the appropriate documents, there may not be a need for a court hearing. Once a Judge has signed the decree of divorce, your divorce is final. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
If you are a current or recent survivor of domestic violence and you need assistance with a divorce or child custody, whether it is contested or not, you may be eligible* for assistance through VARN’s Domestic Violence Victim’s Assistance Project (DVVAP).
*Income guidelines are not used for services provided through DVVAP. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
GUARDIANSHIP (uncontested)
VARN can assist in uncontested guardianship matters for minors as follows:​
Guardianship of a Minor:
To obtain guardianship of a minor, both parents (unless parental rights have been terminated) or legal guardians must agree to guardianship. You will need to provide the child’s birth certificate and Social Security number and any legal documents concerning the child. The names and addresses of the child’s parents or legal guardians and other relatives will need to be provided. You should be able to show good cause why you should have guardianship. There is no court filing fee to petition the court for the appointment of a guardian. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
VARN can provide assistance with homesteads. You will need to provide a copy of the title to your property which includes the legal property description. You will be responsible for the fee to record a homestead declaration. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
NAME CHANGES (uncontested)
VARN can assist in uncontested name changes. You should have a good reason why the name change is needed. You will need to provide a birth certificate and Social Security number. You will also need to provide the names and addresses of parents and other relatives. If a notice of the name change is required to be published in a newspaper, you will be responsible for payment of this cost
which cannot be waived. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
PROBATE (uncontested)
VARN can assist with uncontested probate matters. You will need to provide the original will, if one was made. You will also need to provide a death certificate, any titles to property, and a list of any assets and debts of the decedent. You will also need to provide the names and addresses of the decedent’s children and other relatives. There is no court filing fee for a probate where the value of
the estate is $2,500 or less. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE
VARN can assist with simple wills. You will need to provide information concerning your property and assets. You should determine how and to whom your estate should be distributed. You will need to provide the names and addresses of your children (if any) and those you would like to leave any portion of your estate to. You will also need to name an executor and an alternate executor to
carry out the provisions of your will. APPLY FOR SERVICE, CLICK HERE